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World Environment Day

World Environment Day গছ  ভালপোৱা  ককাৰ  খং   By - (ড° ভবেন্দ্র নাথ শইকীয়া ) ভাল পালোঁ ৰঘুনাথ  তুমি মোক পুতেৰাৰ  বিয়ালৈ মাতিলা,  পিছে ৰভাখন  দিবলৈকে  আমলখি  গছজোপা কিয়নো কাটিলা?  আলহী-অতিথি যাব  ৰভা নাইকিয়া হ'ব  বোৱাৰীয়ে ঘৰখন দিবহি পূবাই,  পিছে কোৱাচোন ৰঘুনাথ  আমলখি গছজোপা  সহজতে পাবানে ঘুৰাই?  দৰাটিক মাতাচোন এজোলোকা আশীর্বাদ দিওঁ আৰু যাওঁ, গছজোপা কটা বাবে লুচি-ভাজি,  ৰসগোল্লা একোকে নাখাওঁ। OBSERVATION  OF  WORLD ENVIRONMENT  DAY On this World Environment Day, let's pledge to protect and nurture our planet. Every tree we plant, every drop of water we save, helps create a greener, healthier Earth. Together, we can ensure nature’s beauty and balance for future generations .

Top 20 Assamese Delicacies You Must Try

Assam, the land of rolling hills and lush tea gardens, boasts a rich culinary heritage that reflects its diverse culture and vibrant traditions. Assamese cuisine is characterized by its unique flavors, the use of indigenous ingredients, and a strong emphasis on simplicity and freshness. From tangy fish curries to sweet rice cakes, here are the top 20 Assamese delicacies that you must try:

1. Masor Tenga: A tangy fish curry made with tomatoes and other souring agents, giving it a distinctive flavor.

2. Pitha: Assamese rice cakes, often prepared during festivals and special occasions, showcasing the artistry and culinary skills of the Assamese people.

3. Khar: An alkaline preparation made from sun-dried banana peels or ashes, used as a key ingredient in many traditional Assamese dishes.

4. Aloo Pitika: Mashed potatoes mixed with onions, mustard oil, and green chilies, a simple yet flavorful side dish.

5. Bengena Pitika: Roasted and mashed eggplant mixed with mustard oil, onions, and chilies, offering a unique smoky flavor.

6. Ouu Tenga chutney: Elephant apple chutney, known for its sour and tangy taste, a perfect accompaniment to rice.

7. Xaak Bhaji: Assorted leafy greens stir-fried with garlic and spices, a nutritious and delicious dish.

8. Bhuna Mach: Assamese-style fish fry or curry, showcasing the rich flavors of Assamese spices.

9. Khorisa: Fermented bamboo shoot, a staple ingredient in Assamese cuisine, adding a unique flavor to various dishes.

10. Bilahi Boror Tenga: Sour tomato curry with lentil dumplings, a comforting and flavorful dish.

11. Black Sesame Pitha: Rice cakes stuffed with a sweet mixture of black sesame seeds and jaggery, a popular sweet treat.

12. Kumol Sawul: Black rice pudding, a traditional Assamese dessert, rich and indulgent.

13. Aamlar Tenga: Sour curry made with Indian gooseberries, known for its tangy and refreshing taste.

14. Chingdi Bhaja: Fried prawns, a popular side dish, crispy and flavorful.

15. Bhendir Sorsori: Okra cooked with mustard paste, a delicious and nutritious dish.

16. Pura: Sweet fried bread made during festivals, a delightful treat for the taste buds.

17. Komolar Kheer: Orange-flavored rice pudding, a fragrant and comforting dessert.

18. **Bengena Pitika**: Mashed brinjal mixed with mustard oil, onions, and green chilies, a simple yet flavorful dish.

19. Lai Xaak: Mustard greens cooked with garlic and chili, a staple in Assamese households.

20. Narikol Laru: Coconut balls made with jaggery, a sweet and satisfying dessert.

Assamese cuisine is a true reflection of the state's cultural diversity and natural abundance. Whether you are a food enthusiast or someone looking to explore new flavors, Assamese delicacies are sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. So, next time you visit Assam, don't miss the opportunity to savor these delightful dishes and immerse yourself in the culinary delights of this beautiful land.


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