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Showing posts with the label Guwahati Infrastructure development Assam Northeast

World Environment Day

World Environment Day গছ  ভালপোৱা  ককাৰ  খং   By - (ড° ভবেন্দ্র নাথ শইকীয়া ) ভাল পালোঁ ৰঘুনাথ  তুমি মোক পুতেৰাৰ  বিয়ালৈ মাতিলা,  পিছে ৰভাখন  দিবলৈকে  আমলখি  গছজোপা কিয়নো কাটিলা?  আলহী-অতিথি যাব  ৰভা নাইকিয়া হ'ব  বোৱাৰীয়ে ঘৰখন দিবহি পূবাই,  পিছে কোৱাচোন ৰঘুনাথ  আমলখি গছজোপা  সহজতে পাবানে ঘুৰাই?  দৰাটিক মাতাচোন এজোলোকা আশীর্বাদ দিওঁ আৰু যাওঁ, গছজোপা কটা বাবে লুচি-ভাজি,  ৰসগোল্লা একোকে নাখাওঁ। OBSERVATION  OF  WORLD ENVIRONMENT  DAY On this World Environment Day, let's pledge to protect and nurture our planet. Every tree we plant, every drop of water we save, helps create a greener, healthier Earth. Together, we can ensure nature’s beauty and balance for future generations .

Building Tomorrow: The Infrastructure Development of Guwahati

Guwahati, the bustling metropolis nestled along the banks of the Brahmaputra River, is undergoing a transformation that is as remarkable as it is necessary. As the gateway to the enchanting northeast, the city is witnessing a surge in population and economic activity, necessitating a significant upgrade in its infrastructure. One of the key areas of focus in Guwahati's infrastructure development is transportation. The city is witnessing the expansion and modernization of its road network, with new flyovers, bridges, and roads being constructed to ease traffic congestion and improve connectivity. The construction of the Guwahati Metro is also a significant step forward in this regard, promising a more efficient and sustainable mode of transportation for the city's residents. In addition to transportation, Guwahati is also investing in upgrading its utilities infrastructure. The city is expanding its water supply and sewage systems to meet the growing demands of its population. E