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Showing posts with the label Must read Assamese books Books Assam

World Environment Day

World Environment Day গছ  ভালপোৱা  ককাৰ  খং   By - (ড° ভবেন্দ্র নাথ শইকীয়া ) ভাল পালোঁ ৰঘুনাথ  তুমি মোক পুতেৰাৰ  বিয়ালৈ মাতিলা,  পিছে ৰভাখন  দিবলৈকে  আমলখি  গছজোপা কিয়নো কাটিলা?  আলহী-অতিথি যাব  ৰভা নাইকিয়া হ'ব  বোৱাৰীয়ে ঘৰখন দিবহি পূবাই,  পিছে কোৱাচোন ৰঘুনাথ  আমলখি গছজোপা  সহজতে পাবানে ঘুৰাই?  দৰাটিক মাতাচোন এজোলোকা আশীর্বাদ দিওঁ আৰু যাওঁ, গছজোপা কটা বাবে লুচি-ভাজি,  ৰসগোল্লা একোকে নাখাওঁ। OBSERVATION  OF  WORLD ENVIRONMENT  DAY On this World Environment Day, let's pledge to protect and nurture our planet. Every tree we plant, every drop of water we save, helps create a greener, healthier Earth. Together, we can ensure nature’s beauty and balance for future generations .

Exploring the Richness of Assamese Literature: A Dive into Ten Must-Read Books

Assam, a land of diverse cultures and rich traditions, has a literary heritage that is as vibrant as it is profound. Assamese literature, with its roots deep in history, has produced a plethora of remarkable works that continue to captivate readers with their depth and beauty. In this blog post, we will explore ten must-read books from Assamese literature, each offering a unique glimpse into the culture and ethos of this enchanting land. 1. Mirijiyori by Rajanikanta Bordoloi: Set during the Ahom kingdom in Assam, this historical novel follows the life of Mirijiyori, a courageous woman who defies societal norms to protect her kingdom. 2. Hasya Arnav by Ananda Chandra Barua: A collection of humorous stories that offer a lighthearted take on various aspects of life, showcasing the author's wit and storytelling prowess. 3. Banhimot by Jyotiprasad Agarwala: Considered the first Assamese novel, Banhimot tells the story of a young woman who defies conventions to pursue her dreams, highlig