World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is celebrated annually from August 1 to 7 to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding for mothers and babies. The week-long event aims to promote the benefits of breastfeeding, which include optimal nutrition for infants, reduced risk of diseases, and strengthened mother-child bonding. The theme of WBW 2024 is "Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support", emphasizing the need for education and support systems to encourage and empower mothers to breastfeed. During this week, organizations and individuals worldwide come together to organize events, campaigns, and activities to normalize breastfeeding and create a supportive environment for nursing mothers. YouTube Video ⏩ ©️Copyright Image 2024 (all rights reserved)
Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago. While the exact origins of yoga are difficult to pinpoint, it is believed to have emerged around 5,000 years ago. The founder of yoga is traditionally considered to be the sage Patanjali. Patanjali is believed to have compiled and systematized the knowledge of yoga in his work called the "Yoga Sutras." The Yoga Sutras are a collection of aphorisms or concise statements that outline the philosophy and practice of yoga. www However, it is important to note that yoga predates Patanjali and his work. Yoga has its roots in the Indus Valley Civilization, which existed around 3300–1300 BCE in what is now modern-day Pakistan and northwest India. Archaeological evidence, such as seals and figurines depicting yoga-like poses, suggests that yoga was practiced during this time. Throughout history, yoga has evolved and been influenced by various philosophical and religious trad