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Showing posts with the label Power of words positive environment positive words

World Environment Day

World Environment Day গছ  ভালপোৱা  ককাৰ  খং   By - (ড° ভবেন্দ্র নাথ শইকীয়া ) ভাল পালোঁ ৰঘুনাথ  তুমি মোক পুতেৰাৰ  বিয়ালৈ মাতিলা,  পিছে ৰভাখন  দিবলৈকে  আমলখি  গছজোপা কিয়নো কাটিলা?  আলহী-অতিথি যাব  ৰভা নাইকিয়া হ'ব  বোৱাৰীয়ে ঘৰখন দিবহি পূবাই,  পিছে কোৱাচোন ৰঘুনাথ  আমলখি গছজোপা  সহজতে পাবানে ঘুৰাই?  দৰাটিক মাতাচোন এজোলোকা আশীর্বাদ দিওঁ আৰু যাওঁ, গছজোপা কটা বাবে লুচি-ভাজি,  ৰসগোল্লা একোকে নাখাওঁ। OBSERVATION  OF  WORLD ENVIRONMENT  DAY On this World Environment Day, let's pledge to protect and nurture our planet. Every tree we plant, every drop of water we save, helps create a greener, healthier Earth. Together, we can ensure nature’s beauty and balance for future generations .

Power of words শব্দৰ শক্তি

POWER OF WORDS BUDDHA-Words have the power to both destroy and heal.   Words play a vital role in our lives . Suitable words can heal our minds and bodies,move our hearts,enrich our souls,influence our perceptions and behaviours, attracts positive outcomes and can manifest our dreams. Words are powerful. Whether you write or speak them, they do have an impact on us. Words are the official carrier of our messages . They hold the power to make or break relationships and careers. -THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK- Encouraging and Positive words are powerful”. Words are like musical notes, if it’s played well by the musician ,it can change the environment and can create positive and delightful surrounding. “WORDS ARE SHARPER THAN SWORD”.  For centuries, authors,politicians, psychologists and mystics have studied and used the simple power of words to transform people’s lives.     Words are so powerful that it can wound for life.  Words